Here is Adelle, checking her guidebook for birds.
And this is our small but cozy (Adelle's description) camp site. There were a couple of larger RV's, but it was mostly smaller units, pop-ups, or tents. With no hookups, the big boys tend to stay away. After all, what is a nice weekend camping without cable tv? (If you didn't catch the sarcasm, you don't know me very well).
Here are the girls enjoying their first breakfast in the mountains of North Carolina - egg sandwiches and orange juice. Is there anything better? I think not.
Another shot of the camper and our little set up. It's not fancy, but gets the job done. It's great that the kids have a clean place to sleep at night and it also acts as a playhouse during the day. The expense of shipping it out here wasn't fun, but it couldn't have worked out better.
Just chillin'.
Mommy and Adelle having lunch. Hot dogs, what else?
We rented a canoe and spend a few hours on Price Lake. It's not huge, but I got a decent workout paddling us around.
"Boy, don't nobody know nuthin' about Oree-gone!"
The kids had a fun time "paddling". They took turns with the extra oar and I sat back to watch. Adelle took her turn very seriously.