Yes, we live in North Carolina now so it's pronounced, "Car" Lake, even though it's spelled Kerr Lake. Don't ask - nobody knows why.
It's about 45 minutes from the house, right on the Virgina border. We went with our friends who have two daughters - the kids had a blast.
Here they are playing a game where they act out the weather and we have to guess what they're doing. I believe this was lightning....

Of course, we don't go anywhere without the bikes. There weren't any off road bike trails so the girls had to stick with pavement. We were on a couple of big loops, giving them plenty of space to explore without ever going too far.

The obligatory goofy self-portrait. Cut-man and I were down by the edge of the lake watching the (tiny) waves splash on shore. He loved it.

You can see the truck and camper through the trees. It's definitely a different type of forest than those we had in Oregon, but beautiful none the less.

Cutler is a pyro like his dad. Look at him stare down the fire!

Why do I always take pictures of my bike? Probably for the same reason that I gave her a name - no, I won't tell you what it is.

Another goofy self-pic in the camper.

Cutler had a ball - his eating and sleeping remained on schedule and he didn't complain for a second. Six months old and already a seasoned camper! We're looking forward to taking him out to the beach for Memorial Day weekend. We already have reservations in Myrtle Beach.

The girls enjoying their fine camping dogs, chips, and orange pop.

Goofing around by the waters edge. As you can see, there won't be any talk of droughts out here this summer. Kerr Lake is somewhere near a foot over normal - a lot of the close up campsites are still under water.

Cut-man striking a pose.