Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hanging Rock Camping Trip

We hiked to the top of Hanging Rock - a spectacular view of the valley below.

As always, the girls had their bikes ready to go. This was Adelle's first foray out of the cul de sac on her big bike w/ free wheel and hand brakes. She handled it very well.
Cutler just doing what he does - exploring and being handsome.

Hiking with friends up to the top of Hanging Rock.

Daddy and his kiddos at the top of Hanging Rock. It was only a mile hike, but the trail went almost straight up. No complaints from the girls at all, and Cutler loves riding in the backpack.

The kids at our first Bulls game of the year with Wool E. Bull. And yes, Adelle still wears her Mariners jersey to every Durham Bulls game!

Adelle had a field trip for school to a Bulls afternoon game. Molly went as a well and everyone had a great time.

Cut-Dog doing excercise.

Just hanging in the backyard with Mia and his monster truck.

May 15 = the pool is open! It was almost 100 yesterday, so the pool opening was perfect. We spent most of the day over there.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Catching up with some October pix

Taking a stroll with mom and dad. We take a morning walk pretty much every day. Across the road, through the golf course, and back home.


Yeah, you know I'm the man!

Hooked up the trailer and took a bike ride last week. C-Dog wasn't so sure at first, but quickly decided that he feels the need for speed. Go get 'em Mav!

More November Pix

Adelle chasing the birds on Wrightsville Beach.

My family.
Cut-man and daddy looking at the birds.

Adelle loves her feather. She brought them home and put them in her room. Silly girl.

MJ's High School in Wilmington.

Updated November Pix

Here is Cutler doing what he does best - play football! This was at our hotel on the beach last weekend. We spend Sat and Sun on Wrightsville Beach, NC.

Cut-Dog is tired after a long party.

The family.

Mom and Dad with the Cut-Man.

Daddy sitting with the girls on the porch waiting for their car pool. I do this pretty much every day. Love it.

Friday, September 11, 2009

More camping pix from Labor Day

This is how we roll for breakfast....we love mom! The girls stopped for a little rock climbing during while we hiked around the lake. 2.5 miles and no complaints!
I haven't quite figured it out, but Adelle always wants to hold something up for pictures. In this case, a pancake was the only thing she had near by. She's such a goofball and I love her so much.

Cut-man showing them his "O" at Capone's Pizza in Boone.

You can see Cutler's pack and play in front of the camper. We set him out there while the kids rode their bikes and played. He loved watching the trucks go by with their big campers attached. As long as the other kids were out there playing, Cutler was good to go.

More camping pix from Labor Day

We took a nice hike around the lake - 2.5 miles! Everyone made it just fine and we didn't see any snakes this time. I didn't complain about that. The girls...
Daddy and Cutler being men.

This is what camping is all about.