11:26 PM
9 lbs 12 oz
21 inches
For the record - He was NOT named for a certain quarterback who masterfully leads a certain team from Denver. The name was mommy's idea and daddy happily obliged.
Mommy and baby are healthy and happy. Here is a shot from just after he was born. Everything went according to plan - the epidural worked great and mommy only had to push a couple of times. There were no complications with the labor, delivery or after care.
The happy family.....
The girls were excited beyond belief about their new little toy....um, I mean brother. They are both very attentive and look forward to being great big sisters.
Adelle finally gets to hold her prize.....
Congratulations to you and your family...Mike Page
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is one BIG baby boy! And you had him in the nick of time...before midnight...so he and Maddie share the same birthday! We love you all so much and can't wait to meet the newest addition to the Carlson family!
Love, Amy, Megan, Maddie and Dave
WOW What a BIG bouncing Boy you have there :) CONGRATULATIONS !!!
We are so very happy for you all. Lots of Love headed your way.
Mandi, Scott, Grant, Harry and Maggie xxxxxxxxxxxx
A BOY! About time. No more pink! Life is complete. -Steve, Shawna, Ethan, Ashley
Congratulations to everyone!
Thanks everyone for the comments. We're finally home and ready to be a family.
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