Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fall soccer

The girls started fall soccer a few weeks ago. Technically it's Fall out here, but we're still in the 80's and sunny every day. Adelle loves to put on her gear and has a great time in practice. She just runs back and forth during the games, but it's good exercise. She's not really into scrapping with the other kids - she just loves the uniform.

Emily is doing much better this year. Her switch to an all-girls team has made a massive difference in her play. She's much more aggressive now that she doesn't have any 10 year-old Chrissy wanna-be's slide tackling at her knees. The girls are just as aggressive as the boys, but they have a much better sense of the rules and regulations. Emily teamed up with her good friend Saren on a goal last weekend. She had a shot, but passed to Saren for the uncontested goal. Bottom line - she's having a great time and getting good, consistent exercise.


saerdahl said...

very nice. it just went from 90 to 50 in two days here.

NC Carlsons said...

We get down to 50 at night, but daytime is still perfect. Great soccer weather for the girls.